Samstag, 7. April 2007




My sadness turns to anger as fast as my tears disintegrate into my skin and onto my sweater,For it is you i once loved,Our love was like a white dove and like my favorite childhood color,you've stained her red with a bullet made of lead,So when you see a red door and you want to paint it black.Just remember when you look back and notice the red speck that somehow you forgot,If you look into it close enough There lays a single ,tiny,white feather that was once that white dove,That you somehow grew to Love.


Sweet revenge until the bitter end.I must have been a real cynical fool to have ever thought that your dream was my dream,But hey,I'm not quit shocked or even disappointed,Like good girl's always cry the best,their lives are always a mess,The greed will always feed,The almighty dollar shall always stand the tallest, buried the innocent children along with their beautiful,dead mother's,While their vacant father's die young old men......


The evil one's deny,Deny me food deny me water,Deny light,Deny me Love but you shall never deny me my Soul.My soul is with God and that's where it shall stay,So Deny me this mortal existence called life calse me to suffer and slaughter me alive,Burn me of my bone's and scatter my ashes into the mud,But my suffering shall not be eternal like that of yours.My soul shall never be sold unlike yours...And I'll fly away from all your dismay,your world of pain and endless rain,That overflowing your gutter's with continuous shame,This world was God's world,with abundant nature,and brilliant lands with beautiful creatures and mountains that stand.Then God made man and they damned the land with the devil's hand,and from there on the sin festered within us until God saw that there was still good in some men.He suffered and suffered with torment and rage, ostracized and beaten,bruised and abused.Still he loved the unlovable ......THEY KILLED HIM AND HE ROSE FROM THE DEAD,TO HUGE THEM...

9 Kommentare:

Tina hat gesagt…

Dana I really liked "Evil" what you have written really touched me... good work!!! Happy Easter!!! :)

cathy hat gesagt…

wow, what a lot of pain!
Now that it is out let it go.

cathy hat gesagt…

Two Wolves

One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, "My son, the battle is between two 'wolves' inside us all.

One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.

The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith."

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, "Which wolf wins?"

The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."

I copied this from another blog. I thought you would appreciate it.

Anonym hat gesagt…

wonderful writing dana. It's a good thing to write out our thoughts, emotions and pain.
Once it's on paper we can look at it and think about it instead of carrying it around in our heads and hearts.
I'm glad you wrote about it.

I love what cathy wrote in her comments.
Thanks for stopping by.

Anonym hat gesagt…

I clicked on your dana barnnet name when you commented and it took me right here.
I didn't explain it on my blog in case you wanted privacy but it's easily accessible by clicking on your name.

val hat gesagt…

Hello, Dana. Glad you liked my blog, and I hope seeing Vincent and the animals helps to ease your pain.

Annelisa hat gesagt…

Stained Letter is so made me sad to think of those tears falling, and the 'dove that was shot down'... the love betrayed?

And 'Evil'... well, it speaks of forgiveness, after all the bad that is done. It also speaks of eternal suffering of the one that has done wrong - would the bad ones still suffer eternally, when they are forgiven by God, when he rose to hug them?

Very emotive poems, Dana!

ann hat gesagt…

Hi Dana... found my way here...

your poetry is incredibly powerful; I can imagine your emotions as you write...

ironically, the best creations come from pain and suffering...

all the best

lotsa luv ann xxxx

Charles hat gesagt…

Know that for some, speaking of love may be a burden, for some love is the burden.